By Rebecca Boone, Associated Press  |  Posted Jun 7th, 2016 @ 6:11pm

BOISE, Idaho (AP) — Being convicted of even some minor crimes can result in a lifetime of collateral consequences, experts say, including trouble finding jobs and housing.

Statutory consequences for a crime are the punishments that are spelled out in the law: Incarceration, fines, court-ordered community service and the like, U.S. Attorney Wendy Olson told the crowd at a conference on criminal justice reform in Boise on Monday. Collateral consequences are all the additional punishments that happen along the way, like facing social stigma or having to change careers because of a criminal record.

“… As a society, we really have to think through which collateral consequences should flow from a crime,” Olson told the group gathered at Concordia University School of Law. “We all have an interest in getting those people back and invested in our society.”

Read the full article here.