The Fund for Idaho,  progressive grant organization awarded its annual Community Catalyst Award to Maria Andrade in recognition for her work advancing civil rights, immigrants rights and support of non-profit organizations throughout the state. See their web announcement here.

The Fund for Idaho describes the award as follows:

“We bestow the Idaho Community Catalyst Award to honor the contributions of exceptional Idahoans   who have invested their time, passion, and energy to strengthen and sustain the nonprofit organizations that makeIdaho communities richer places through their advocacy for social justice, with no thought to personal recognition. The dedication of these unsung heroes furthers the vision of a just, compassionate and environmentally healthy Idaho respectful of its history and its peoples. Nomiination criteria include: *Investing significant time over the long haul to bring about substantial positive changes that improve Idaho communities *Working in ways that may not be recognized but which have significant impact on social issues *Living a life reflective of the values she or he supports *Dedication to making the Idaho a better place without thought of recognition.

The award is presented November 15, 2011 in conjunction with the announcement of the 2012 Fund for Idaho Grantees.